Anticipating Spring

Heirloom tomatoes (seeds saved from last year) are planted in Jiffy seed starter, in southern window.  6 of 10 pink brandywine and 4 of 10 striped germans have sprouted so far (3 days in).  4 purple cherokee look about to break surface.  None of pomegranate seeds have germinated, yet … But I think I might see some activity on the pomegranates slightly below the surface.

Started new mulch bed on left side of yard (near fig) along walkway, stretching from azalea bed to gardenia.  Will plant later in the spring.  Placed slow-release fertilizer spikes near trees and shrubs (Paw-paw trees, Persimmon, Gardenia, and Azaleas).

Red Hyacinth came up this week.  Smells wonderful.  Lilies have started coming up but no blooms yet (probably closer to Easter, I would guess).

Fig tree has started sprouting leaves… Will have to watch carefully in case of another freeze.  Azaleas have blooms, including non-encore on the side of house.  Hydrangea has new leaves sprouting.  Two rose bushes appear to have passed, probably due to me over-mulching leaves (too high on stems).  One might be salvageable (pruned it this weekend).  Chickens are done molting and laying eggs again. All signs point to Spring, but I’m sure Felder will be talking about a “Blackberry Winter” soon.  The anticipation builds.

Spread pre-emergent herbicide on front yard.  Should take care of crab grass and other weeds without harming St. Augustine (was mentioned by Felder to do this weekend).

In the house, had to replace the garbage disposal.  Found Badger 5 (1/2 HP) Insinkerator at Lowes, which price matched Home Depot at $78 (not counting another 5% discount from Lowes Credit Card).  Also had to replace clothes washer that went out … $400, discounted from 700.  Wife seems happy with it.

Final note, celebrated my 35th birthday with my wife, to whom I am so grateful that she is in my life.  She is my greatest blessing :-).

Reverse Osmosis

Six months ago, I installed our own Reverse Osmosis filtration system (the Whirlpool WHER25) to deal with the reports of lead in municipal water.  We love the water, and this weekend replaced our pre and post filters (cost around $40 after tax from Lowe’s).  Recommendations suggest changing these pre and post filters every 6 months, but state that the RO Membrane filter should be good for 1-3 years depending on water pH.  Should be due in six months from today at the earliest (3/3/17).

Have gotten only half an inch of rain in the past week, so will need to water the vegetable garden.  Tomatoes are still producing, but fruit is small (I think due to lack of water), and blossom-end rot is observed on one plant.

Also worked with my wife to make 3 dog bed covers, hopefully chew proof from our newest puppy.  Very easy, just folded a yard of fabric in half to make a pillow case and tucked inside after placing an older dog bed in it.  Will hopefully keep out the pesky pup.

Weekend update

Seems as though the plants did better while we were away.  Got 0.1 inches of rain over the weekend, and ran the sprinkler for 1 hour adding another .2 inches. Negligible rain last night (.05 inches) bringing the total to .35 inches in the last week (with my watering).  Noticed a tomato hornworm greedily devouring two tomatoes on the middle Early Girl plant, so I reapplied the Sevins dust mixture.

Now have two fertilized seedless watermelons, if the second one takes that I dusted today with a male flower.

Gardenias are requiring frequent watering, being as they are in full sun.  Persimmon tree seems to be hanging in there, although I still haven’t gotten around to fertilizing any of the new plants.

Noticed a cluster of flowers on the cherry tomato plant, and we have four sunflower seedlings doing well along the driveway (those along the grassy part of the driveway failed to emerge or thrive).

Gave two three Early Girl tomatoes, two red bellpeppers, and 15 eggs to Mary’s mom over the weekend.  She said they were delicious.  Harvested one Early Girl tomato for ourselves when we returned.  Also delicious and no indigestion.  Came back to 7 new eggs… They never end!

Connecticut Field Pumpkin seedlings I started last week are doing well in the clay pots.  Will be transplanting them in a week or two.

Mosquitoes are intolerable.  Will need to fog this weekend, especially with my parents coming in less than two weeks.

Minimal rain, 1 tomato

Minimal rain so far today, and 1 Early Girl Tomato harvested.  Weighs 4.3 ounces, which is a bit smaller than I hope for but it had begun ripening with our lack of rain.

With the watermelon, I had planted another “normal” watermelon a couple weeks ago to help pollinate the seedless melon variety I have (being new at this, I hadn’t even known that seedless watermelons cannot self-pollinate).  Saw two flowers today, one from each, so tried hand-pollinating them. Further research reveals that I tried pollinating two male flowers.  I didn’t even know there were male and female flowers, lol… Will continue to work on this, and am still hoping for at least one seedless melon by the end of Summer.

Rain rain don’t go away

Got 0.15 inches today, and I know the plants loved every bit of it.  Just wish we could have gotten more, but hopefully we will later this week.  I believe it should have refilled our rain barrels, too.

Also planted the Asiatic Jasmine and 4 day lilies that we got from the Farmers’ Market (which was celebrating its 11th anniversary with a 4 for $11 deal).  Wifey and puppy approve.  The plan is to use a grass killer and make a mulch bed of the area in front of the Azaleas.


In the kitchen we tried a Celebrity tomato.  Might not have been as ripe as the Early Girl we tried last week.  Not as flavorful as the Early Girl, but still delicious and no problems with indigestion.  Have another one that should be ripe in 1-2 days.

Harvested a bell pepper, albeit early due to birds pecking at it.  Was supposed to be a yellow bell pepper, but it needed to be picked before it could even get to mature size due to said birds.  Will research ways to address this later.

Striped German & Cherokee Purple Seeds

  • Harvested and labelled in envelope the dried Striped German seeds today.
  • Started fermenting some Cherokee Purple seeds in the garage.
  • Transferred some fermented Pink Brandywine seeds from fermenting to drying

Thoroughly watered the potted Celebrity tomato plant … Seems to be doing better since I moved it to get a little bit of shade during the heat of the day.

Ate the Early Girl tomato from last week (plain, with a little salt). Wife and I both thought it was delicious and flavorful.  No problems with indigestion.

Celebrity tomato should be ripe in a week or less.

And another tomato…

This time a Celebrity tomato, weighing in at 6.75 ounces.  The other one (Early Girl) has almost completely ripened… Might be perfect tomorrow.  The Celebrity tomato plant, however, is not doing so well anymore.  I’m thinking it might be getting too much sun, as it’s in a large clay pot.  I moved it to get a little more shade, and am keeping it watered appropriately.  Still many more growing and ripening on it, but no new flowers (probably due to the heat).  The Early Girls are making up for the Celebrity’s troubles, however, and appear very prolific, still.
